Winter Pool Maintenance

No one wants to reveal a murky, unsafe pool when they roll back the cover in Spring. Here are some essential tips to avoid your treasured asset turning into a Shrek swamp over winter and to get it ready for a splashing lot of fun.

1. Regularly clean the pool (yes even if you aren’t using it in winter!)

It is paramount if you aren’t using a pool cover you remove debris, such as leaves and twigs, from the pool surface and ensure you are cleaning the skimmer basket regularly. You don’t want organic matter, such as leaves, decomposing in the pool.

2. Keep the chemistry alive

Relationships and pools are more alike than you think, you have to keep the chemistry alive or their health wilters. Even during winter, it’s important to monitor and balance the pool’s water chemistry. Test the water regularly and adjust the pH, alkalinity, and sanitiser levels as necessary. This helps prevent algae growth and keeps the water clear and balanced within the recommended range.

3. Myth Busted: continue to run the pool filter and pump during winter!

It’s a common myth that you don’t need to run the pool pump as much in winter. We’re here to bust this myth! Although you may not be swimming as much as you do in summer, the water still needs to circulate in order to remain at a healthy, balanced level. To save on energy, you can turn down the settings, however, it’s important that the entire body of water is circulated through the filter at least once per day.

4. Adjust the water & chlorine levels

Everyone, even a pool’s chlorine balance, needs love and attention during the colder months. Monitor the water level in your pool and ensure it remains at the appropriate level. Heavy
rainfall during winter can dilute the chemicals. Another common myth we often hear during winter is a reduced need for chlorine— this is not the case! Test the water regularly and adjust the chemical levels accordingly. You can use a slow-release or floating chlorinator to ensure a steady supply during the cooler months.

5. Sorry, your pool filters can’t take a holiday

Even though you may not be swimming, it’s still important to maintain your water circulation as it helps to avoid algae growth and other pool problems. Keep your pool filtration system running for a shorter duration but consistently throughout winter. Aim for around 4-6 hours per day as this helps remove debris and maintains the circulation of your pool’s water. We also recommend that you inspect and clean equipment when necessary to ensure optimal filtration and prevent the buildup of debris and contaminants.

6. Keep an eye out for algae

Keep an eye out for any signs of algae growth during winter. Insufficient water circulation due to turning down the settings on pool equipment can lead to black-spot algae or result in green or cloudy water. If algae growth appears, take appropriate measures to address the issue, such as using algaecides or increasing the sanitiser levels.


Want to reduce cleaning time and effort over winter? Invest in a pool cover. To maintain the temperature of the pool, consider using a pool cover during winter to keep the heat in and keep debris out.

It’s always a good idea to consult with a Poolwerx pool professional for personalised advice and guidance tailored to your specific pool’s needs. Contact your local Poolwerx to learn more.

By Poolwerx Australia, 30 May 2024
About Poolwerx
Poolwerx, founded in 1992, is Australasia’s largest pool and spa maintenance network. With over 500 territories made up of retail stores and mobile vans, Poolwerx clients have some of the best people and latest technology available anywhere they live or work to take care of their backyard or commercial pool. Poolwerx is for healthy pool people.



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