Stay Sun Safe: Tips for a Safe Summer Pool Season

When it comes to summer in Australia, sunshine and swimming go hand in hand. But too much sun can be dangerous. Take a look at our top tips below on how you and your family can be sun safe around the pool this summer.


Sunscreen is one of the best defenses against harsh UV rays. But one of the most common mistakes people make is not allowing enough time between applying sunscreen and going out in the sun or jumping in the pool.

Sunscreen should be applied at least 20 minutes prior to going outside or in the water and then reapplied every two hours.


There are plenty of clothing options that will help protect you when you’re both in and out of the water.

  • Long sleeve shirts with collars. Some clothing even has an ultraviolet protection factor (UPF), which provides a certain amount of UV protection.

  • Broadbrimmed hats that shades your face, nose, neck and ears. Caps and visors are popular, but do not provide as much protection.

  • Don’t forget sunglasses! Did you know that wearing sunglasses and a broad-brimmed hat together can help reduce UV radiation exposure by up to 98%? According to the Cancer Council, for the best protection, choose sunglasses that meet the Australian Standard AS/NSZ 1067.

  • Wear a rashie while swimming.


Is your pool area covered? Shade sails and large beach umbrellas are a great way to provide sun protection when you’re in or around your pool. Shade can help reduce UV radiation, however it can still reach you via reflection, so it’s important to use a combination of these sun safety tips to ensure you are protecting yourself as much as possible.


UV rays are usually the most dangerous between 10am-3pm. Try to keep out of the sun for prolonged periods during this time to avoid sunburn and dehydration.


As the heat rises this summer, it is important to keep yourself hydrated. Dehydration can occur very quickly in the warmer months as higher temperatures and more activity increase your body’s water loss.

Some signs of dehydration include dry mouth, loss of appetite, thirst, feeling faint or nauseous. If you feel thirsty, that usually means you’re already dehydrated.

Some great ways to stay hydrated include:

  • Keep a reusable drink bottle with you. It will be a constant reminder to take a sip during the day.

  • Infuse with flavour. Fruits such as lime, lemon, berries and oranges are a great way to add a little flavour to your water without adding artificial sweeteners and may help you drink more.

  • Mix up your drinks. If you get sick of plain water, mix it up with herbal teas or coconut milk. But make sure you are consistently drinking water throughout the day.

  • Use an app reminder. There are several apps available to download that keep track of your water drinking habits and can even send you a reminder throughout the day.

By following a combination of these sun safety tips, you can help protect you and your family around the pool these holidays.

By Poolwerx Australia, 13 December 2018
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Poolwerx, founded in 1992, is Australasia’s largest pool and spa maintenance network. With over 500 territories made up of retail stores and mobile vans, Poolwerx clients have some of the best people and latest technology available anywhere they live or work to take care of their backyard or commercial pool. Poolwerx is for healthy pool people.



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