Top 5 Tips for Maintaining an Above Ground Pool

Are you a proud owner of an above-ground pool? These versatile and affordable pools have gained popularity among homeowners for their ease of installation and maintenance. While they may have their unique considerations, proper maintenance is crucial for ensuring a clean and enjoyable swimming experience.

In this blog post, we will explore the essential tips and information you need to know to maintain your above-ground pool and address common questions about keeping it clean and well-maintained year-round.

Above Ground vs. In-Ground Pools

Before diving into maintenance tips, let's briefly compare above-ground and in-ground pools.

  • Above-ground pools are typically more budget-friendly and easier to install, making them a popular choice among many homeowners.

  • In-ground pools, on the other hand, offer greater customisation options and may have higher upfront costs.

However, the maintenance principles and practices for keeping the water clean and clear are similar for both types of pools.

Is it Hard to Maintain an Above-Ground Pool?

Maintaining an above-ground pool does not have to be a daunting task. With regular care and attention, you can keep your pool in great condition throughout the swimming season. The frequency of maintenance tasks may vary depending on factors such as pool usage, weather conditions, and water quality. Generally, it is recommended to perform routine maintenance tasks on a weekly or monthly basis to ensure optimal cleanliness and water balance.

Regular maintenance is crucial for keeping your above-ground pool in top condition. Here are some important tasks to include in your weekly pool maintenance routine:

  1. Clean your pool using a skimmer net and an above-ground pool vacuum, even if you aren't using it frequently. This will prevent the build-up of bacteria and algae, saving you from a time-consuming cleanup later.

  2. Test the chemical balance of your pool using test strips. Based on the results, add the necessary chemicals or perform a shock treatment to maintain proper water chemistry. This should be done weekly to ensure balanced and sanitised water.

  3. Don't forget to clean out the skimmer and pump baskets regularly. Accumulated dirt and leaves can hinder their effectiveness, so weekly maintenance is essential for optimal performance and to keep your pool clean.

  4. Conduct a quick weekly check of all the equipment that keeps your pool running. Additionally, perform a more thorough inspection once a month. By identifying and addressing any issues early on, you can prevent more significant problems down the line and ensure everything operates smoothly.

  5. Regularly clean your pool filter, following the appropriate method based on the type of filter you have. This task should be performed on a monthly basis to maintain efficient filtration.

By incorporating these tasks into your regular pool maintenance routine, you'll ensure that your above-ground pool stays clean, safe, and ready for you to enjoy. Remember, a little effort goes a long way in keeping your pool in top shape.


  • The chemicals needed for above-ground pool maintenance include:

    • chlorine or alternative sanitisers

    • pH increase and decrease

    • alkalinity increase

    • shock treatment.

    Consult your local Poolwerx expert for personalised recommendations.

  • It is beneficial to cover your above-ground pool every night to prevent debris from entering the water and to also retain heat. A pool cover also helps reduce water evaporation.

  • While a pump is essential for proper filtration, you can manually clean the pool using a skimmer net and a pool vacuum. Regularly removing debris and maintaining proper water chemistry is crucial in the absence of a pump.

  • Chlorine is a common sanitiser used in pools, but if your above ground is a temporary set up, or you prefer an alternative, you can explore non-chlorine sanitisers such as bromine or mineral-based systems. Consult your local Poolwerx expert for guidance on choosing the best sanitiser for your above-ground pool.

  • The best above-ground pool cleaner will depend on your specific pool design, size, and cleaning needs. There are various options available, including small robotic pool cleaners, vacuum cleaners, suction-side cleaners, and pressure-side cleaners.

    Consult your local Poolwerx expert for recommendations based on your pool requirements.

Need Help with Your Above-Ground Pool?

Don’t spend money and time on repairing a problem that could have been avoided. Following these five steps will help you save time that can be spent enjoying your pool with friends and family. If you have any further questions contact a Poolwerx near you to receive more expert advice from one of our pool technicians.

Enjoy the swimming season to the fullest with a well-maintained above-ground pool!

By Poolwerx Australia, 4 June 2023
About Poolwerx
Poolwerx, founded in 1992, is Australasia’s largest pool and spa maintenance network. With over 500 territories made up of retail stores and mobile vans, Poolwerx clients have some of the best people and latest technology available anywhere they live or work to take care of their backyard or commercial pool. Poolwerx is for healthy pool people.



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