Salt vs Chlorine Pools: Which is Better?
Saltwater or chlorine: Which is best for pools? It's a question we get asked all the time, but the answer really depends on your individual preferences and needs. Whether you are building a new pool or thinking of converting the one you have, it is important to understand the pros and cons of salt vs chlorine pools. Here is what you need to know.
How Do Saltwater Pools Work?
Saltwater pools use a salt chlorine generator for sanitation. As saltwater passes through the generator, it separates the salt and water into hydrogen and hypochlorous acid. This acid sanitises the water like chlorine does, meaning there’s no need for chlorine tablets.
The Pros and Cons of Saltwater Swimming Pools
When researching the difference between chlorine vs salt pools, it’s important to understand the advantages and disadvantages of each. Below we discuss the pros and cons of salt-chlorinated pools.
Advantages of Saltwater Pools
Not as harsh on your skin, eyes or hair
Requires less maintenance
No need to handle chemical chlorine, considering them safer for pool owners
Water feels softer to swim in
No harsh odours
Things to consider:
Installing a chlorinator system results in higher upfront costs
Saltwater is known to corrode pipes, handrails, ladders, etc., resulting in hefty repairs and replacement costs. </li>
Saltwater residue can damage areas surrounding the pool
Saltwater has high pH levels, which can cause the pool water to become unbalanced
The systems in salt pools are more complex than those of their chlorine counterparts. This means that technicians are often required for both large and small repairs or maintenance, which can be costly over time.
Chlorine Swimming Pools
Chlorine swimming pools use higher levels of chlorine to fight off bacteria in the water. When chlorine is poured into your water or tablets are dropped in, the chemicals break down to kill bacteria like algae and mould.
The Pros and Cons of Chlorine Pools
As with saltwater pools, there are several pros and cons to owning chlorinated pools. We discuss them below.

Advantages of Chlorine Pools
A traditional option, chlorine pools are common and affordable
Easy to treat — simply buy chlorine tablets and use them in the pool regularly
Chlorine kills bacteria and disinfects your pool water, preventing algae and other bacterial growth
Won’t damage surrounding pool area
Things to consider:
Require more upkeep than saltwater pools
Not as gentle on your skin, eyes and hair
Require careful handling of harsh, odorous chemicals.
So, What Pool is Better: Saltwater or Chlorine?
When it comes to chlorine VS saltwater pools the choice is yours. However, if you have any questions, contact your local Poolwerx. You never know—you might decide to go against the grain and invest in a mineral water pool instead. Whatever choice you make, our technicians are can help you decide on the best option for you and your family.
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